Hej FBC members!! (
hej = hi!)
How are you? You must be having fun cheering on the team this PAC-10 season! Wish I could be there to cheer too (well actually, I wish I could still be playing with them!). Nothing beats Stanford basketball! You are truly part of something special!!
I thought it would be fun to give you an update about what I’ve been up to and perhaps see if you might be willing to be involved in a future adventure of mine. As you know (or might not), I’m currently in Sweden playing basketball for
08 Stockholm Human Rights . We travel throughout Sweden playing games in the Swedish national league. We are one game behind the league-leaders and every game from now until playoffs is very important. Swedish basketball is different from American basketball, but the ball is still round, bounces, and seems to find its way into the net (most of the time!). Even though nothing will ever compare to my time at Stanford, I’m having fun with my team and grateful for the opportunity to still be playing!
While living in Stockholm, I’ve also had the tremendous opportunity to conduct research in the Bacteriology Department at the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control. I’m learning lots of new lab techniques and I get to work with strains of bacteria that cause pneumonia! Additionally, I’ve been able to shadow physicians at Karolinska Hospital (thanks to the help of Dr. Lambert, the Stanford team physician), coach basketball for children, and I’m hoping soon to begin teaching English in the schools. Yes, I’m keeping busy – but I love how each day brings something new! Basketball has really enabled me the chance to live in another country, and God certainly has provided me with lots more opportunities to get involved with other activities I love too!
This coming April, after my team here advances as far as possible in the playoffs (and Stanford makes a special appearance in Cleveland!), I am going to participate in a 10-day basketball tour of Turkey with a Christian basketball team sponsored by Athletes-in-Action (AIA), the athletic ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC). Our team will be working with AIA/CCC in-country staff to help build relationships with basketball players, fans, coaches, and officials to help their ministries through conversations, games, and basketball clinics.
I have always wanted a chance to combine two of my loves, God and basketball; now, I have the chance to do it! I wanted to let you know about this specific opportunity, in hopes that you might be willing to support this passion of mine. The team is made possible by those people willing to invest in this ministry, and thereby become a part of our team as we travel and compete. Each member of our team is asked to raise $3,000, which is a portion of the team’s goal. You have already provided me with so much support and encouragement during my time at Stanford, and the last thing I want to do is ask for more; however, because you care so much, I thought I would just tell you about this adventure in hopes that you might want to help.
If you would be interested in helping me raise my portion of the team’s goal or if you just want to hear some more stories about my time here in Sweden, I would love for you to contact me (all the info is below!). Whether it is getting to play basketball here in Europe, volunteering in a research lab, or coaching kids during gym class, Stanford has impacted all of these experiences. My Stanford education – in the classroom, on the court, and off the court too! – has armed with the skills and support to go out and explore the world!
And, yes, for all of you wondering about me and med school… I still VERY much cannot wait to start! I’m working on my application now, hoping that I will be accepted somewhere (maybe Stanford?!), and ideally will start my first class in the fall of 2008.
Katie Denny and I visited Susan and Curtis Borchardt to celebrate New Year’s in Granada, Spain! We made a roadtrip to Madrid, toured around Granada, played with Sammy (their dog), watched Curtis play a terrific game, and – yes, of course - were led in challenging workouts by Susan! (see pictures below)
I really do hope to hear back from you!
Tack så mycket (thank you very much!).
Hej då,
Krista Rappahahn
Contact Information:
Swedish address:
Hökens Gata 3
116 46 Stockholm
*** If you are interested in investing in my AIA Turkey adventure, please email me for more details about getting the check where it needs to go and so that I can give you a BIG thanks! ***