May 18, 2011

Shelley, Seb, Ezi, Morgan and Lauren in Suriname

Shelley Nweke ('06) is a Peace Corps volunteer in Suriname, South America. Sebnem Kimyacioglu ('05), Eziamaka Okafor ('06'), Morgan Clyburn ('09), and Lauren Greif (coaching intern) joined her recently to participate in a girls' basketball clinic.


Andrė said...

Wow! That was great! Wish I could watch it in slow motion, there was so much to see in this video. Congratulations to all of the girls, Stanford women and the rest of the crew who organized and carried through with the clinic. Very exciting!

Anonymous said...

Nkiru & Co, this is wonderful. You and your friends (Sebnem Kimyacioglu ('05), Eziamaka Okafor ('06'), Morgan Clyburn ('09), and Lauren Greif (coaching intern)) have done a great job, touched some lives in a way that they will always remember with fondness. Thank you for being great ambassadors. Your Uncle Reg
